LASP 1.0
Library for Acoustic Signal Processing
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Clasp.lasp_atomic.AtomicImplementation of atomic operations on integers and booleans
 CAvPowerSpectraEstimate cross-power spectra using Welch' method of spectral estimation. The exact amount of overlap in Welch' method is rounded up to a certain amount of samples
 CInBufHandlerSpecific helper for the input buffer
 CDaqApiClass that specifies API related information. An API configuration is part of the DAQConfiguration and used to address a certain physical device. For that, a specific backend needs to be compiled in. Examples of API's are RtAudio and UlDaq
 CDaqChannelStores channel configuration data for each channel. I.e. the physical quantity measured, sensitivity, device-specific channel settings, a channel name and others
 CDaqConfigurationConfiguration of a DAQ device
 CDaqBase cass for all DAQ (Data Acquisition) interfaces. A DAQ can be a custom device, or for example a sound card
 CDT9837AData translation DT9837A Daq device
 Clasp.lasp_daqconfigs.DaqConfigurationsDaqConfigurations stores a set containing an input configuration and an output configuration
 CDaqDataData coming from / going to DAQ. Non-interleaved format, which means data in buffer is ordered by channel: _ptr[frame+channel*nframes]
 CDataTypeDescriptorDescriptor for data types containing more detailed information
 CDeviceInfoStructure containing device info parameters
 CDaqBase cass for all DAQ (Data Acquisition) interfaces. A DAQ can be a custom device, or for example a sound card
 CUlDaqDeviceInfoUlDaq-specific device information. Adds a copy of the underlying DaqDeDaqDeviceDescriptor
 Clasp.lasp_slm.DummyEmulate filtering, but does not filter anything at all
 CFftPerform forward FFT's on real time data. Computes single-sided spectra, equivalent to Numpy's rfft and irfft functions. But then faster as it can use a fast FFT backend, such as FFTW
 CFilterFilter used to pre-filter a double-precision floating point data stream
 CBiquadBankMultiple biquad filters in parallel, each multiplied with a gain value, and finally all added together. This class can be used to create a graphic equalizer
 CSeriesBiquadA set of Biquad filters in series
 Clasp.filter.filterbank_design.FilterBankDesignerA class responsible for designing FIR filters
 Clasp.filter.filterbank_design.OctaveBankDesignerOctave band filter designer
 Clasp.lasp_octavefilter.FirFilterBankSingle channel (fractional) octave filter bank implementation, based on FIR filters and sample rate decimation
 Clasp.lasp_octavefilter.FirOctaveFilterBankFilter bank which uses FIR filtering for each octave frequency band
 Clasp.lasp_octavefilter.FirThirdOctaveFilterBankFilter bank which uses FIR filtering for each one-third octave frequency band
 Clasp.lasp_common.FreqWeightingFrequency weighting types
 CGlobalThreadPoolSimple wrapper around BS::thread_pool that makes a BS::thread_pool a singleton, such that a thread pool can be used around in the code, and safely spawn threads also from other threads. Only wraps a submit() and push_task for now
 Clasp.lasp_measurement.IterRawDataIterate over stored blocks if the raw measurement data of a h5 file
 Clasp.lasp_measurement.IterDataIterate over blocks of data, scaled with sensitivity and integer scaling between 0 and 1
 Clasp.lasp_measurementset.MeasurementSetGroup of measurements that have some correspondence to one another
 Clasp.lasp_measurement.MeasurementProvides access to measurement data stored in the h5 measurement file format
 Clasp.lasp_octavefilter.OverallFilterBankDummy type filter bank
 Clasp.lasp_playback.PlaybackPlay back a single channel from a
 CPowerSpectraComputes single-sided cross-power spectra for a group of channels. Only a single block of length fft, no averaging. This class should normally not be used. Please refer to AvPowerSpectra instead
 Clasp.lasp_record.RecordingClass used to perform a recording
 Clasp.lasp_reverb.ReverbTimeTool to estimate the reverberation time
 CDaq::StreamExceptionUsed for internal throwing of exceptions
 CSiggenSignal generation abstract base class. Implementation is required for resetImpl(), genSignalUnscaled() and destructor
 CNoiseGenerate a random signal (noise)
 CPeriodicBase class for all periodic signals (that are exactly periodic based on the sampling frequency). Note that the sine wave generator is not exactly periodic as the frequency can be any floating point value
 CSweepSweep signal
 CSineGenerate a sine wave
 Clasp.lasp_slm.SLMMulti-channel Sound Level Meter
 CSLMSound Level Meter implementation that gives a result for each channel. A channel is the result of a filtered signal
 Clasp.lasp_octavefilter.SosOctaveFilterBankFilter bank which uses FIR filtering for each one-third octave frequency band
 Clasp.lasp_octavefilter.SosThirdOctaveFilterBankFilter bank which uses FIR filtering for each one-third octave frequency band
 CStreamMgrStream manager. Used to manage the input and output streams. Implemented as a singleton: only one stream manager can be in existance for a given program. The thread that instantiates a stream manager is the only thread that should interact with the stream manager. If this is not true, undefined behavior can be expected. If LASP is compiled in debug mode, this fact is asserted
 CDaq::StreamStatusInformation regarding a stream
 CThreadedInDataHandlerBaseThreaded in data handler base. Buffers inCallback data and calls a callback with the same signature on a different thread. The main function of this is to offload the thread that handles the stream, such that expensive computations do not result in stream buffer xruns
 CThreadedInDataHandler< ClipHandler >
 CClipHandlerClipping detector (Clip). Detects when a signal overdrives the input
 CThreadedInDataHandler< PPMHandler >
 CPPMHandlerDigital Peak Programme Meter (PPM). Let the latest maximum flow away with a certain amount of dB/s. If a new peak is found, it goes up again. Also detects clipping
 CThreadedInDataHandler< PyIndataHandler >
 CPyIndataHandlerWraps the ThreadedInDataHandler such that it calls a Python callback with a buffer of sample data. Converts DaqData objects to Numpy arrays and calls Python given as argument to the constructor
 CThreadedInDataHandler< RtAps >
 CRtApsReal time spectral estimator using Welch method of spectral estimation
 CThreadedInDataHandler< RtSignalViewer >
 CRtSignalViewerReal time signal viewer. Shows envelope of the signal based on amount of history shown
 CThreadedInDataHandler< Derived >A bit of curiously recurring template pattern, to connect the specific handlers and connect the proper callbacks in a type-agnostic way. Using this class, each threaded handler should just implement its reset() and inCallback() method. Ellides the virtual method calls
 CTimeBufferImplementation of a buffer of time samples, where
 Clasp.lasp_weighcal.WeighCalFrequency weighting and calibration FIR filter
 CWindowWindow (aka taper) functions of a certain type
 Clasp.lasp_common.AvTypeSpecificying the type of data, for adding and removing callbacks from the stream
 CQGraphicsScene Scene for plotting bars