LASP 1.0
Library for Acoustic Signal Processing
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NlaspLASP: Library for Acoustic Signal Processing
 NbiquadAuthor: J.A
 NcolorednoiseAuthor: J.A
 Ndecimation_firAuthor: J.A
 Nfilterbank_designAuthor: J.A
 CFilterBankDesignerA class responsible for designing FIR filters
 COctaveBankDesignerOctave band filter designer
 Nfir_designAuthor: J.A
 NsoundpressureweightingAuthor: J.A
 Nlasp_atomicProvides a simple atomic variable:
 CAtomicImplementation of atomic operations on integers and booleans
 CAvTypeSpecificying the type of data, for adding and removing callbacks from the stream
 CFreqWeightingFrequency weighting types
 Nlasp_configAuthor: J.A
 CDaqConfigurationsDaqConfigurations stores a set containing an input configuration and an output configuration
 Nlasp_imptubeAuthor: J.A
 Nlasp_loggingAuthor: J.A
 CIterDataIterate over blocks of data, scaled with sensitivity and integer scaling between 0 and 1
 CIterRawDataIterate over stored blocks if the raw measurement data of a h5 file
 CMeasurementProvides access to measurement data stored in the h5 measurement file format
 Nlasp_measurementsetProvides class MeasurementSet, a class used to perform checks and adjustments on a group of measurements at the same time
 CMeasurementSetGroup of measurements that have some correspondence to one another
 Nlasp_octavefilterAuthor: J.A
 CFirFilterBankSingle channel (fractional) octave filter bank implementation, based on FIR filters and sample rate decimation
 CFirOctaveFilterBankFilter bank which uses FIR filtering for each octave frequency band
 CFirThirdOctaveFilterBankFilter bank which uses FIR filtering for each one-third octave frequency band
 COverallFilterBankDummy type filter bank
 CSosOctaveFilterBankFilter bank which uses FIR filtering for each one-third octave frequency band
 CSosThirdOctaveFilterBankFilter bank which uses FIR filtering for each one-third octave frequency band
 CPlaybackPlay back a single channel from a
 Nlasp_recordRead data from stream and record sound and video at the same time
 CRecordingClass used to perform a recording
 Nlasp_reverbAuthor: J.A
 CReverbTimeTool to estimate the reverberation time
 Nlasp_slmSound level meter implementation
 CDummyEmulate filtering, but does not filter anything at all
 CSLMMulti-channel Sound Level Meter
 Nlasp_weighcalWeighting and calibration filter in one
 CWeighCalFrequency weighting and calibration FIR filter
 NbarAuthor: J.A
 CBarSceneGraphhics Scene for plotting bars
 NtoolsAuthor: T