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LASP 1.0
Library for Acoustic Signal Processing
▼Nlasp | LASP: Library for Acoustic Signal Processing |
▼Nfilter | |
Nbiquad | Author: J.A |
Ncolorednoise | Author: J.A |
Ndecimation_fir | Author: J.A |
▼Nfilterbank_design | Author: J.A |
CFilterBankDesigner | A class responsible for designing FIR filters |
COctaveBankDesigner | Octave band filter designer |
CThirdOctaveBankDesigner | |
Nfir_design | Author: J.A |
▼Nsoundpressureweighting | Author: J.A |
CSPLFilterDesigner | |
▼Nlasp_atomic | Provides a simple atomic variable: |
CAtomic | Implementation of atomic operations on integers and booleans |
▼Nlasp_common | |
CAvType | Specificying the type of data, for adding and removing callbacks from the stream |
CCalibrationSettings | |
CCalSetting | |
CFreqWeighting | Frequency weighting types |
Clasp_shelve | |
CQty | |
CShelve | |
CSIQtys | |
Cthis_lasp_shelve | |
CTimeWeighting | |
Nlasp_config | Author: J.A |
▼Nlasp_daqconfigs | |
CDaqConfigurations | DaqConfigurations stores a set containing an input configuration and an output configuration |
▼Nlasp_imptube | Author: J.A |
CTwoMicImpedanceTube | |
Nlasp_logging | Author: J.A |
▼Nlasp_measurement | |
CIterData | Iterate over blocks of data, scaled with sensitivity and integer scaling between 0 and 1 |
CIterRawData | Iterate over stored blocks if the raw measurement data of a h5 file |
CMeasurement | Provides access to measurement data stored in the h5 measurement file format |
▼Nlasp_measurementset | Provides class MeasurementSet, a class used to perform checks and adjustments on a group of measurements at the same time |
CMeasurementSet | Group of measurements that have some correspondence to one another |
▼Nlasp_octavefilter | Author: J.A |
CFirFilterBank | Single channel (fractional) octave filter bank implementation, based on FIR filters and sample rate decimation |
CFirOctaveFilterBank | Filter bank which uses FIR filtering for each octave frequency band |
CFirThirdOctaveFilterBank | Filter bank which uses FIR filtering for each one-third octave frequency band |
COverallFilterBank | Dummy type filter bank |
CSosFilterBank | |
CSosOctaveFilterBank | Filter bank which uses FIR filtering for each one-third octave frequency band |
CSosThirdOctaveFilterBank | Filter bank which uses FIR filtering for each one-third octave frequency band |
▼Nlasp_playback | |
CPlayback | Play back a single channel from a |
▼Nlasp_record | Read data from stream and record sound and video at the same time |
CRecording | Class used to perform a recording |
CRecordStatus | |
▼Nlasp_reverb | Author: J.A |
CReverbTime | Tool to estimate the reverberation time |
▼Nlasp_slm | Sound level meter implementation |
CDummy | Emulate filtering, but does not filter anything at all |
CSLM | Multi-channel Sound Level Meter |
▼Nlasp_weighcal | Weighting and calibration filter in one |
CWeighCal | Frequency weighting and calibration FIR filter |
▼Nplot | |
▼Nbar | Author: J.A |
CBarScene | Graphhics Scene for plotting bars |
▼Ntools | |
▼Ntools | Author: T |
CSmoothingType | |
CSmoothingWidth | |
Csw |